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Psychic Grannies Staff
Get to know our staff at Psychic Grannies.
Our In-Store Staff

Specialties: Healer & Aware of Spirits
An eight-year-old Tibetan terrier who greets everyone with her big brown eyes.
One day I was riding in Manhatten Beach and saw a man with a dog. My spirit guide said, ask him what kind of a dog it was. So I ask him, and he said it was a Tibetan terrier. I went home and Googled it, and up came the dog, "Oatmeal." I called my daughter, and she calls Paws and Pals, and they said come down to Long Beach next Sunday and see her and other dogs. I went down Pet Smart and there she was, I picked her up and held her the whole day. The lady came up to me and said the people who adopted her did not show up, so I guess she is all yours.
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